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Aktuelle Artikel aus dem Prospector Knowledge Center
29 May
REGULATORY UPDATE: European Parliament Adopts New Law Against Greenwashing
Knowledge Center

REGULATORY UPDATE: European Parliament Adopts New Law Against Greenwashing

  Multiple stakeholders, including retailers, consumers and investors, are demanding sustainable products. A heightened awareness among consumers that green products may help us live a safer, more secure and sustainable lifestyle is putting pressure on brands and retailers to focus … Continued

The post REGULATORY UPDATE: European Parliament Adopts New Law Against Greenwashing appeared first on Prospector Knowledge Center.

15 May
Solution Series: Formulating for Retail
Knowledge Center

Solution Series: Formulating for Retail

Retailer requirements have become far more robust and difficult to navigate for today’s CPG producers.  However, the benefits of better promotion, shelf space, visibility, increased sales, etc., are more than worth the efforts. When formulating for retailers such as Target, … Continued

The post Solution Series: Formulating for Retail appeared first on Prospector Knowledge Center.

15 May
The Role of Humectants in Cosmetic Formulations
Knowledge Center

The Role of Humectants in Cosmetic Formulations

Photo of beauty products - Learn more about clean beauty
If you leave French bread on the counter for a couple days, it will get stale and crumbly, however, if you do the same with banana bread, it remains moist. There are a few explanations for this but one of … Continued

The post The Role of Humectants in Cosmetic Formulations appeared first on Prospector Knowledge Center.